Disney - Mickey Mouse >>> Nikmatul Maula's Blog: 2013


Tes Motivasi Wawancara Guru


Ketika Anda akan melamar menjadi seorang guru, berikut adalah pertanyaan tes motivasi yang sering ditanyakan.
1. Apa alasan dan motivasi Anda ingin menjadi guru di sekolah ini?
2. Setelah Anda menjadi guru di sini apa yang akan Anda lakukan untuk memajukan sekolah?
3. Apa saja tugas guru yang Anda ketahui?
4. Hak apa yang Anda inginkan setelah menjadi guru di sini?
5. Apakah Anda menginginkan menduduki jabatan tertentu jika nanti sudah bergabung di sini?
6. Jelaskan komitmen Anda pada sekolah ini!
7. Jelaskan pengertian loyalitas, kedisiplinan, dan ketaatan!




The purpose of this study was to know whether learning model of Thinking Aloud Pair Problem Solving (TAPPS) can achieve mastery learning, student’s problem-solving ability in learning of TAPPS higher than student’s problem-solving ability in expository learning, and whether percentage of completeness students in learning of TAPPS higher the percentage of completeness students in expository learning. The population in this study was students of grade VIII SMP N 2 Pekalongan academic year 2012/2013. By cluster random sampling technique, the selected sample were students of VIII-D as experiment group that applied learning of TAPPS with worksheet based on Polya and control group was VIII-B that applied expository learning. From result of mastery learning, showed that learning in experiment group can achieve mastery learning. From result of the average diffrence test, showed that student’s problem-solving ability in experiment group higher than student’s problem-solving ability in control group. From result of the proportion-one part test, showed that percentage of completeness students in experiment group higher than percentage of completeness students in control group. The conclusions obtained were learning of TAPPS can achieve mastery learning and student’s problem-solving ability in learning of TAPPS higher than student’s problem-solving ability in expository learning, and percentage of completeness students in learning of TAPPS higher than percentage of completeness students in expository learning.
Keywords: Effectiveness; Problem-solving Ability; Thinking Aloud Pair Problem Solving (TAPPS).